My Games
Games made for Game Jams
I have worked on multiple game jams thought the years, from my most recent one being Chillinium 2023 to my first which also happens to be Chillinium 2019. These jams really helped me learn how to properly manage my time and efforts to create something in such a short amount of time.
Project Bunny
Global Gam Jam 2023
This game was the first time we used the Unreal Engine. It was a good learning experience for me. I made all 3D assets and textures aside from the terrain, fences and the pre built Unreal character model used.
Conquest Queens
Chillinium 2019
My first ever game jam! I came in as a last minute addition to the team. I had no idea of what I was getting into. Little did I know it would spark a passion. I was responsible for all Ants and Ant Upgrade sprites. I am also very proud of the Menu art I made for the game. Made in Unity.